Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I have the weekend off so went downtown shopping. We usually walk most places or catch a land rover from the ship if one happens to be going the right way. We can also grab a taxi sometimes but the taxi isn't allowed in port so we have to walk at least a mile to get one.  I get my exercise but the food on ship makes life even out so am sure haven't lost a pound. Shopping was quite an experience as we went to the "Grande Marche" about 5 miles away which is this huge, third world market that covers at least a 3 square block area with wooden tables set up side by side by side about the size of a card table that go on for miles, parallel tables in rows for miles and all covered by a huge tin  roof  with little walk ways into the area about every  block or so.  Each person has one of those little tables and sells things like tomatoes, avocados, carrots, cabbage, pineapple, bananas,   mangos, bowls of flour, cormeal, rice, spices,  bread, fish (raw, dried, fried, breaded), lobster, crab, shrimp, crocodile, chickens (alive, cooked, ,fried, baked!) material, jewelry, shoes, clothes, and more! It is almost overwhelming to see and even more to smell! :-) Add thousands of people wandering everywhere and you got it!!! I got a great tan and was plenty hot with temps in the mid 90's and little shade. I know that sounds great to you when you are freezing but it isn't fun to cook either!

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