Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Today we took a train -an all day adventure- to the other city 3 hours away (German lady, Dutch gal and I).  We left at 6 am and road the train for 5 hours. It went even slower than train in China but beautiful to see the countryside from air conditioned train car (only cost $20). We road through plains, mountains and jungle! No real animals here but countryside is beautiful. (They don't have cattle or horses or even dogs or cats here. They had an outbreak of rabies so dogs on street killed and no one seems to have pets). it's strange because every African country that I have been to treasures their cattle and has wild animals too. I have seen a few goats and a couple of chickens. Oh well.
They do have huge trees and have a forestry industry as well as off shore oil so not a poor country supposedly at least for wealthy few. We came home in a  taxi after walking around the town of Dolosie and going to the agriculture sight that mercy Ships has in that town. It took four hours to drive home and another 20 dollars. We had some great fellowship and got to see a bit of the world outside the ship. (Wait until you see my market pictures and the meat?? rodents of some kind from forest and maybe monkey meat and always fish. ??? Even I didn't stay around to look closely!


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