Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Baby Orphanage

Good morning! It is almost time for my shift to begin but it has already been a busy day :). I got up a few minutes before 6 to meet on the dock to run/walk. Most people are long distance runners but a few walk/run so if I get there I'd often find someone to match (Only walk with one or two because narrow streets, big puddles and big trucks.) but it was pouring rain so ran with a gal from New Zealand through the ship and up and down the steps. I got a workout. Then did one load of laundry and off to a baby orphanage.
It was so sad to see wee little malnourished babe's with big tummies and tiny sticks for legs. It's enough to make you cry. It was clean, but just toys we brought with to play with. No one cried. Only one little guy would laugh when we tickled him. All clung to us as if their depended on it. Not enough of us so everyone had at least 2 and when you picked up the second one, the first would look away or try to pus the second away. Who could fault them for wanting love all their own? We sat on the floor as few children had strength to walk on their stick like legs. Again, no photos but perhaps you could close your eyes and "see" them? They are imprinted in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Bev, Glad to know that you are able to get off the ship sometimes, even though it does break your heart. Thanks for doing the blog so we can be with you in spirit.
