Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pictures on the ward

A 7 year old, Secgraf, whose name meant mistake. She was quiet, sad, withdrawn, malnourished little girl. Her 2 year old sister was a chunk and outgoing and appeared to have all of her Mom's love. She came in with a large bilateral cleft lip/palate that needed repair. She was malnourished from years of being unable to eat properly. After her surgery and feeding program and cuddles from nurses, she was a changed little girl from the inside out. She smiled more, actually played some on the ward instead of sitting in a corner watching the other children. Her mother agreed to change her name with some encouragement and chose "Blanche" for white like snow! Pray for this little girl to grow and change and have a osi self esteem as she learns from Him!

 This is another little girl who was 11 years old, Immanuel. She also was about half the size of a true 11 year old and needed a cleft/lip palate repair. She is seen her just a few days postop and you will see a feeding tube that we use with the bag of pedisure hanging infusing to add calories to help heal wounds and gain ground nutritionally while in the hospital. Her mom is not pictured but was a gem and a huge help and toatally loved her little girl. Her Dad also came to ship visiting hours from 6:30 to 8pm several nights to see his little girl. (Only one care giver per patient unless it is a younger sibling who is breastfeeding)
 This is Juevenal who had a huge noma (google it!) that had eaten half of his face away. He is seen here at his second surgery where some plastic reconstruction had been done. You truly had to see him before to understand the amazing healing and reconstuct had been done. I will try to get some of the "before" pictures to show some of the miracles that happen here. Below, Juevanal and I take on a game of connect 4 in a few quiet moments on the ward. He loves Jesus and could often be seen up and dancing in the isle during church or afternoon singing/prayers! A totally unique experience in my world!!!

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