Sunday, January 19, 2014

Meals on board

We had fish and chips for supper. The food is maybe a bit greasy but overall the cooks do a great job, I have fresh mangos!
Breakfast is cereal or plain yogurt or toast or porridge.

Lunch isn't served on sat or sun so you just make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a salad to eat later. There is always lettuce and tomato and cucumbers and oranges and mango and grapefruit at lunch or dinner with veggies like green beans, carrots, spinach or rice. Main dish changes but some sort of meat.
The food gets brought on the ship through huge containers that are sent by boat from other countries and normally donated from around the world.
Meals around town are a little different and while we were out walking these are some of the things we came across in the market.
 The wild animals were sold on the side of the street the same as the piles of bananas or the rows of fresh fruit and vegetables.  


  1. Hi Bev!!!
    I finally jumped through all the hoops to be able to respond to your blog :) I am so glad to get news as to how you are doing. It took me awhile to catch up with school responsibilities after getting back from SA. It was a great trip and look forward to catching you up to it when we can talk later this spring.
    I am so sorry things have been so hard...I can not imagine. I am sure you are doing a great job, but with so many things unexpected that were hard...wish I could be there to give you a big hug!!!! I have been praying for you but this helps me know how to pray specifically. I was thinking the most difficult challenge would the physical...working so hard and not much time off. I think now that is not the most difficult...Praying for a good friend, for learning new things quickly, for wisdom, and joy in the journey. I am sure you are blessing a lot of people! So excited you can do this, and look forward to your next blog. I also think that you will feel a lot differently by the time this comes to an end. Praying also that each day gets easier. Love you much, Sondra
