Sunday, January 5, 2014

Adventures about to begin

Hello all,
The adventure is about to begin to Mercy Ships and the Congo. Our  kids just totally surprised  us this afternoon with a combined 60th birthday surprise  party for Ron and I AND a bon voyage party. Wow! What a blessing to have  family drive hours in  this frigid weather , friends from all walks  of our lives and shared memories of a life time! Thank you all!
 Now  I really think I should be on my way. :-) I have my bags packed and since it weighs 50.2 pounds, I can't put anything in without taking something out. I leave Friday from Cedar Rapids to Atlanta to Paris to the Congo to arrive 48 hours later on Sunday morning. Work starts Monday morning so I will blog when I know what "work" on a hospital ship is like. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you were honored by friends and family. I am excited about your trip and Mercy Ships has a special place in my heart.
    Hugs to you on your great adventure! I would love to peek (and sneak) into your suitcase. I would really love to get to see the workings inside Mercy Ships.
    I will be praying for you energy, insight, and rest. (Of course, multiple other things)
