Thursday, January 16, 2014

technical difficulties

Hello all,

My mom has made it safely to the CONGO. She is aboard the boat and is getting settled into a routine. She is sharing a room with 5 other ladies...6 women..... one bathroom. Definitely a challenge! She was very happy her carryon and her duffle both fit on the floor under her bunk. She has a narrow, tall closet so she is able to put most of her things away.  She says it's a bit strange living on a ship and that she gets lost finding things but there are lots of wonderful people onboard.

 She has had to go to many meetings and learn lots of new things. She is working the 3-11:30 shift. When she heads to work she walks literally through one huge steel fire door and then 20 steps away to ward d and her patients. She is looking forward for this weekend off and a chance to go on a field trip.

She has had a hard time getting her internet working but hopefully soon you will get to hear from her directly!

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