Friday, January 24, 2014

ship trivia

New ship trivia :-)

only 2 minute showers are allowed on ship and only one  load of laundry

yes, my clothes will come home looking like the typical college students where whites are dingy gray and darks are not darks but fuzzy with white towel material! :-)

2 min. showers mean you get letting the water warm up first!..wet, ok....quickly turn off shower.  Soap up...oops now you can no longer turn  the shower knob on so have a dry washcloth nearby (not a problem on  ship as the bathroom is a tiny  closet to most of you!) Rinse and even though nothing in you wants to, turn OFF water! Only allowed one daily so chose after work out, ward shift, bedtime. :-)   ok, I admit to cheating here!

Ship vocabulary: Plimsoll line: in the 19th century, ships were often recklessly overloaded,resulting in those ships going down and the crews being lost at sea. In 1875, to remedy the negligent practice, British politician Samuel Plimsoll led the charge for legislation to create a line on  the side of a ship to show if it was carrying too much cargo. That "load line" became known as the Plimsoll Line, and it continues to mark hulls of ships today. (Info compliments of Daily Bread reading on Jan. 23rd) I enjoy  watching out the ship portals to see if a ship is coming in heavily loaded with cargo or floating high and not much onboard...never thought or knew before. (Ok, where do you Iowans use that knowledge..your next cruise..Google?)

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