Saturday, January 11, 2014

out of Iowa

The airport adventures continue. Went to the airport in CR early today and got to wait with someone I knew from the hospital for three hours and then got to see Lois and Randy and Jenny there too! Fun to have four people I know on the plane with me. :-) Our plane was delayed because of weather but I still had plenty of time to get out of Atlanta.  I got to speak to a woman trying to get to Budapest who was upset that she's not going to make her connection. She was very worried but I got to talk with her and distract her for awhile!

Boarded the second plane to Paris now. Hoping to do lots of sleeping. I'll update again from Congo!


  1. Hi girlfriend -- please update us when you are in Paris. Hopefully you will be with English speaking French couple during your layover : ) That would be great -- or maybe you will need to use some of your high school French . ENJOY !!! Karen B.

  2. Good morning - Noel Samson and his wife are looking for you at the CDG airport right now ! Noon in France They would like to meet you ! SURPRISE !! Karen B
