Friday, January 17, 2014

First Week

I had a rough go of it for the first few days. I was so used  to small tight community on trips like this and had no idea what I truly expected. As  you may have heard, God has given me "signs" along the way that "He truly never leaves  us or  forsakes us." one of the nurses from research on my unit at the hospital arrived 2 hours early for the first delayed flight so we had hours together; in France even though I missed my dear friends' attempt at connecting  me with some French friends, God provided a nurse from Australia who was coming to Mercy Ships to find  each other almost immediately upon arriving to  spend the 12 hour layover with (just in case I would miss His hand upon me, God had her named sister and youngest daughter's Becca's name!) upon arriving  in  the country, Mercy Ships staff were right there with us at the gate! My first night in the hospital, one of the quilts on a patient's bed was almost identical to one that had been given to me by Ron's folks. The second song at worship the day we arrived, was "This is the day that The Lord hath made"....sung at our  wedding 39 years ago! Yes, God is and always will be with me! 

Then perhaps came the harder days. The ship has 7 levels and stairs don't lead to the same places. We had multiple tours but with each tour for me, came more confusion! I knew in advance that I would  be in a cabin  with 6 gals, but never once  thought about what that meant as far as one bathroom. Oh my! Even with only 2 minute showers a rule of the ship, that took  some getting  used  to. :-)  
I also  was assigned  a top bunk...just envision lots of awkward climbing in and out for the first few days. :-) People you met,  you may never see again for 24 hours as the place is huge and everyone is working "somewhere". I couldn't get  on the computer  and  would send lengthy emails only for them to "disappear" once I did figure out how to log in.

I totally admit I was close to tears some of those days. The emotions of finally arriving at a place you have dreamed about for years and feeling totally alone,  were a bit overwhelming. Add to that the fact that nursing-wise, nothing ie equipment, charting, meds (no generic names) is the same.....I am taking  care of adult ENT (ears,nose throat) some with massive facial/head/neck tumors....a  long ways from neonatal ICU! A totally humbling experience. But, God is near. 

Things are  getting better each day and I can walk into the dining room and find someone I might know.  I am looking forward  to tomorrow, Saturday, and a day off to regroup, sleep in, and have a  very,  very long  time with the Lord! Thanks so much for your  prayers!! They have truly gotten me through this first week! "Now to Him who is able to do more than we could ever imagine, we give glory and praise and honor...Praise The Lord!"


  1. Love you daughter! Thanks for all the tech support from afar! Ps can I send this privately or all see? Hello all if it's public!
