Saturday, February 8, 2014

Will you pray?

Good morning! It is sat am here and doing laundry...yes I am doing it 5 days after last wash but can't stand running clothes or towel that never in dark windowless cabin! Would think of taking out on deck 7 but oil smell of port not always the best. (Congo has tons of oil but unfortunately that money doesn't seem to filter down to common folks and health care.) To their credit, they are giving diesel fuel to Mercy Ships for free, the entire 10 months in port. Oh, if they could also pour that into the country health.

There was a young gal of perhaps ten who came a long ways from up country with mom. (She was carried some of the way, she was too weak to walk some with help of others.) She has huge facial malignant tumor determined by biopsy. It is so far advance and so severe and disfigurement so bad, you are unable to image. The government took a weary, distraught, anguished mother and daughter back to village in rain forest to die today. It would be in humane to be left alone on foreign ship where one doesn't see light of day, but loss of hope and impending death is also a struggle. Many medical with tears as they carried her down gangway and off ship. Will you pray for mother and daughter? Be assured our African pastor sat at their side through these last days. May they know His peace. We will probably not hear any more from them, but our Father will be with them and sees his little one. May she be comforted in His arms where there is no more sorrow or pain of this world. Serving with you, allowing Him to use us as He sees fit. Hearts breaking for those that society has often forgotten, mended by His tender care. 


  1. Thinking of you Bev and praying as we've been spending more time in a different kind of cabin due to the cold! Love what you are doing!!

  2. What great posts...I had a very full week and then went to NC on weekend so just reading them. You are experiencing so many heart wrenching situations, yet I know you also must feel some joy in being able to help so many. What a sad story for the 10 year old girl...praying so much for her and her family. The orphanage sounded so sad also...we take so much for granted in this country. I am thankful that you can be there as Jesus' hands and feet. Hugs and praying for you!
